Sunday, March 15, 2020


Ever since 1887 kefir has been claimed as the best product in the fight against tuberculosis of the lungs. Therefore, it can be consumed in large quantities, that is from 1 to 1,5 liters daily. Kefir contains high quantity of Vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium, Vitamin K2, biotin, folic acid, enzymes, and probiotics.
Kefir is a fermented dairy product which has a taste similar to yogurt. Its properties come from its microflora, that is from kefir seeds.
It is recommended for
stomach and intestines diseases, acute inflammations of the liver, chemical
stress due to misuse of pills and drugs, kidney diseases, diseases of the skin,
tuberculosis, carcinoma, anemia, allergies, diabetes, and cardiovascular

Kefir’s health benefits

Helps fight cancer

Consuming fermented food has always been considered beneficial in the fight against cancer-causing tumors. Thus, a lot of researches show that regular consumption of kefir prevents the development of breast cancer among women.

Lowers the risk of osteoporosis

Kefir contributes towards protection of the bones in both men and women and lowers the risk of osteoporosis among women. The reason behind this are the high levels of magnesium and calcium that it contains.

Helps detoxify the organism

The mutagens which kefirs contains help cleanse the body of toxins. Apart from that, kefir also helps fight allergies.
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