Sunday, March 15, 2020


If you want to get rid of your extra weight in a really short time, then try this natural parsley drink. This drink is both healthy and and very effective in your weight loss plan.

Ingredients and

You only need the
stems of the parsley, a lemon and a glass of water. In 5 days you will lose 6
pounds (3 kilograms), but only if you comply by the rules, which are very easy.
Cut the parsley, which
is a low-calorie ingredient, in very small pieces, or even better blend it.
Squeeze the juice of them lemon and then mix the water with both ingredients.
Drink this every
morning on an empty stomach and continue during so for 5 days. Afterward, make
a 10-day break. You can continue this therapy after the break, but follow the
same rules.
This drink helps burn
fats, feeds the body with vitamins and minerals. Moreover, the parsley improves
the digestion of the food and enables your body to get rid of the extra liquids
in the organism. Thus, you will feel lighter and better. The fact that this
“herb” contains more vitamin C than an orange is really interesting. Only 100
grams of parsley contains 4.2 milligrams of iron and 220 milligrams of calcium.
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