Sunday, March 15, 2020


Lots of people decide to have surgery when it comes to varicose veins. However, there are certain remedies that you can use to avoid that. One example is this amazing mix that we have for you today.
Varicose veins appear because of many different reasons. However,
there can be quite annoying for one’s health and for one’s appearance as well. Some
of the reasons for the appearance of varicose veins are aging, lack of
exercise, hormonal changes… But as we said, there is a mix that can help you
fight varicose veins without going to surgery and here is how to prepare it.


  • ½ cup of Aloe Vera
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • ½ cup of chopped carrots


Put the Aloe Vera and the carrots in the blender. Afterwards,
add the apple cider vinegar until you get a homogenous mixture that resembles


Apply this mixture on your affected areas and then put your
legs up for 30 minutes. After this, wash your legs with some cold water. For the
best results you should use this a few times daily. In addition, you should go
on short walks to improve your blood circulation.
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